It’s hard to believe 2018 is nearing an end already. Where did those twelve months go? Without question, one of the biggest highlights of my year was the memoir writing workshop I attended in September. Why was it so extraordinary? Well, it wasn’t just any old writing workshop; it was a private class at the home of journalist, novelist, and New York Times bestselling author, Joyce Maynard.

Earlier in the year, I had serendipitously discovered her writing courses on Creative Live. I couldn’t believe my luck; to stumble upon a true writing master – streaming live for free - joyously sharing the methods of her craft with an audience. I imagined how cool it would be to have this passionate teacher impart her wealth of expertise to me in person.
More good luck! It turns out, Joyce Maynard occasionally holds intensive, small-group (nine people) workshops in her homes, located in California, New Hampshire, and Guatemala. I submitted a chapter from my memoir for consideration and was invited to join eight other novice writers for a workshop at Joyce’s lakeside cabin in the woods of beautiful New Hampshire. Whoohoo!

What an incredible weekend it was! Joyce is not only a talented, world-renowned writer but truly one of the most fun people I have ever met in my life. She’s also a genuinely gracious hostess who warmly welcomed nine strangers into her home, without a shred of pretension. While working with us on our manuscripts, she generously served us beautiful meals that included fresh corn on the cob, savory Indian samosas, and best of all, her scrumptious homemade berry pies and ice cream. The workshop ended with the students joining their inspirational teacher for a relaxing sauna and an invigorating swim in the lake! A truly amazing and unforgettable experience!
And for anybody interested in reading a profoundly beautiful love story, I highly recommend Joyce’s latest memoir, The Best of Us.